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Improve Your Tawjeeh and Tasheel Centres with MOHRE and ICP Integrated ERP Software

Intelligence Software for Easy Invoicing and Accounts

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Software for Government Transaction Centres

Replace your outdated software with advanced automation ERP to avoid manual account errors.

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Advance your Existing Operation

Effortless Invoicing:

Automate the entire invoicing process, from creation to tracking, ensuring accuracy and reducing the risk of errors..

PRO Management

Maintain a healthy connection by offering discounts to PRO with clear separation. Account transfer methods assist you in clearing payments.

Auto-Fetching Capabilities

Automatically retrieve and update essential data, saving time and reducing manual intervention.

Wallet & Credits

In government transaction centres, the credit amount to the company, PRO, and customers is unclear. Wallet system helps you to clear the stress.

Successful Tawjeeh and Tasheel Operation method

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Accurate customer data

Attractive token system

Faster invoicing

Accurate service fees

Separation of Centre and Government fees

PRO & Company credit system

Bank account separation

HR Management

To Unlock Your Potential

Automate, Analyze, and Achieve

Intelligent Workflow Automation

Simplify your day-to-day operations with our TTT ERP's intelligent workflow automation. Automate Invoices, approve, and trigger notifications without manual intervention. This feature ensures that every part of your service center runs smoothly, enhancing productivity and reducing delays.

Real-Time Analytics Dashboard

Monitor Invoices, track expenses, and analyze customer data all in one place. This feature empowers you to make informed decisions quickly, driving efficiency and growth in your service center.

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What is the primary benefit of your ERP system?

Our ERP system streamlines business operations by automating invoicing, managing customer data, and integrating accounting functions, enhancing overall efficiency.

How does the ERP system handle invoicing?

The system automates the invoicing process, from creation to tracking, reducing manual errors and saving time on transaction management.

Can the ERP system manage customer data effectively?

Yes, it centralizes and organizes customer data, making it easy to access, update, and manage, ensuring accurate and efficient customer interactions.

What are auto-fetching capabilities?

Auto-fetching allows the system to automatically retrieve and update essential data, minimizing manual intervention and keeping information current.

How does the ERP system integrate with accounting?

It automatically updates accounting records with each transaction, providing real-time financial insights and simplifying compliance and reporting.

Is your TTT ERP customizable for specific needs?

Yes, our TTT ERP can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of your sector, ensuring it fits seamlessly with your business processes.